Monday 8 July 2013

Gladys and Ern travel to Singapore!

Yesterday we set off for Singapore, today we finally arrived! First flight was good, we drank plenty, had a wander watched a couple of films and ate plenty! After a short stop in Dubai we set off on the second stint which wasn't very good. Service and food was fine, flight itself was terrible. After being told we were in for a smooth flight, the turbulence was terrible. Four times the cabin crew had sit down, it was that bad! But never mind we survived and landed on time.
Lynn and Raelton were there too meet us and after a short trip we arrived back at their apartment, where the first thing we did was have a shower. After a cold drink and a chat we headed out to Fish & Co for a nice meal. Ern had Bombay fish and chips and I had Swiss fish and chips. Back home now and I'm trying to persuade myself it's nearly bedtime and I must go to sleep"

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